Gardening Memories Around here, brilliantly-colored seed catalogs begin filling our mailbox in early December. Their annual appearance is as much a familiar hallmark of this time of year as holiday cards and twinkling outdoor lights. Seed catalogs remind us that winter’s snow and cold is transitory – and soon we’ll have our fingers buried […]
Gardening the High Sierra: Here’s A Planting Guide
So many folks are thinking of starting a garden this year, I thought our planting guide might be helpful. As you’ll see, these dates are ranges rather than hard-and-fast. But it’ll give you a rough idea of when to plant what if you’re here in our part of the Sierra! Rick couldn’t wait to get […]
A Treat From Me To You: These Muffins Rock!
I’m not normally a baker. But ohhh, these muffins! Something really good did come out of being stuck at home, trying to use up what’s in our freezer! This recipe started out using canned pumpkin as the base. Then a light bulb went off. We’ve got all this frozen fruit put away! How about using up […]
Yank That Dandelion – And Eat It!?
They’re the bane of gardeners everywhere. And adding insult to injury, they’re the happiest of flowers nobody ever planted. Cheerful yellow intruders, they pop up with smiling, sunny faces, as if mocking eradication efforts. We’re talking the dandelion, of course. Native to Europe and Asia, the dandelion is said to have arrived in the New […]
Gold Country Roses
Visit a historic old graveyard in Mother Lode Country to see the — roses?!? You bet! Plymouth Pioneer Cemetery off Highway 49 is a cool place to visit, all by itself. But it turns out that this pioneer cemetery’s roses are so special they even have their own Facebook page! (Just type “Plymouth Pioneer Cemetery Heritage Roses” […]
Spring Is Around Here Somewhere
The official start to Spring is — oh, next week, according to my calendar. March 20, to be precise. For gardeners like my husband, planting hopes spring eternal and start to ramp up the day after Christmas. But calendars lie. Right after that purported grand debut of Spring comes Easter, a warm-sounding holiday which falls […]