Gardening Memories
Around here, brilliantly-colored seed catalogs begin filling our mailbox in early December. Their annual appearance is as much a familiar hallmark of this time of year as holiday cards and twinkling outdoor lights. Seed catalogs remind us that winter’s snow and cold is transitory – and soon we’ll have our fingers buried in the good brown earth again!

Is gardening as much of a fixture in your life as it is in ours? Or did someone in your family have a passion for tomatoes, gladiolas, or peaches? Consider including those garden memories in your memoir!
My dad, for example, fell in love with the beautiful Peace rose when that variety first became popular, and carefully nurtured his pampered prize. Even today, any glimpse of those blushing pink-and-yellow blooms reminds me of him. A kind and sensitive man in every other respect, he waged a positively vicious summer-long battle every year against the voracious Japanese beetles that threatened his beloved rose bush.
If you’re lucky, you may uncover old family photos that preserve a long-lost relative’s gardening passion. Or perhaps old gardning magazines, like these, can still be found tucked in your attic.

Do particular plants hold a special place in your family story? Consider adding images and stories about a gardening passion to your family story or memoir. And drop me a line if this post sparked any great gardening memories for you!
And here are a few of our (free) catalog favorites for you to check out. Happy seed catalog perusing!
* High Mowing Organic Seeds – (100% certified organic, non-GMO)
* Seed Savers Exchange – (organic, open-pollinated and non-GMO)
* Pinetree Garden Seeds – (hand-packed and shipped from a 1700s Maine farmhouse)