We’re the luckiest of the lucky: this past summer, we got to watch as experts searched for long-forgotten graves at Tahoe, using ground-penetrating radar! I’ll confess we knew almost nothing about the historic Al Tahoe Pioneer Cemetery before our visit. Turns out this small cemetery near the shore of Lake Tahoe […]
Peters Station on Old Kingsbury Grade
Halfway up Kingsbury Grade once stood an early hotel known as Peters Station. If you were a teamster, this was the place to stop! Situated on a flat spot at a big bend in the trail, Peters Station was a welcome oasis where men and animals alike could eat, drink, and rest from their labors […]
Yank’s Station
Old Yank’s Station has a cool anniversary coming up on Sunday, April 28th — 159 years, to be exact! On April 28th, 1860, exactly 159 years ago, a young Pony Express rider named Warren Upson came flying in to change ponies, stopping for the very first time for his mount change at Yank’s. The new road over […]