Tips To Break Memoir Writer’s Block:
Somebody told me recently they’re feeling stuck with their memoir writing. Is that you, too?
If so, don’t beat yourself up. It’s more common than any of us would like. But there are things you can do.
Here are four quick tips to get your writerly juices flowing again!
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Write For Someone:
Think of somebody you’d really, really like to read your story. Then write as if you’re speaking just to them. Having an imaginary audience helps remind you there are people out there eager to read your words! And imagining your audience can also help you shape your story.
Skip the “Stuck” Part of Your Memoir Writing and Go On:
Yes, it really is okay to skip ahead.
We all hit sections that seem like brick walls. Skipping ahead to something that feels more do-able can loosen the brain-knots you’re feeling. And amazingly, when you do go back, you may find it easier to tackle the section that seemed so hard, at first.
Tell One Compelling Story:
Memoir writing is all about stories. Find a single story that especially calls to you. Tell that one.
Something you’re excited about is easier to write. And if that story captures your excitement, it will capture your reader’s as well.
Write Short:
Promise yourself to stick with your memoir writing for just five minutes. It sounds crazy, but sometimes just that small block of concentration is enough to break the mental logjam and get things flowing again.
Like more memoir writing tips? Check out these stories: Connecting With Your Reader; How to Structure Your Memoir; 5 Ways A Beta Reader Can Help Your Memoir. (There’s lots more on the Clairitage blog in the Memoirs category!) And check out our book, “Writing A Memoir: From Stuck To Finished!” on Amazon!

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